About us
ITbawü.de is our recommendation for you to stay active in Baden-Wurttemberg.
We, the growing IT, software and computer science companies of the Baden-Wurttemberg economic region, are committed to you. We support you in your application through recommendations. The community on ITbawü.de is your and our platform for career prospects and mutual success. The Internet portal ITbawü.de intensifies communication between candidates and companies.
We strive for an exchange of experiences and ideas within the community to support each other in attracting skilled workers. The pludoni GmbH as an independent company organized ITbawü.de.
Strong for companies and partners
We transferred the pace of the industry on the personnel while optimizing the quality of the personnel decisions. Every company wants to determine the best professionals market segments. But who are the best? What exactly stands out for my portfolio? Often there are minimal differences in the personal skills of the candidates. Therefore, the members of the community have agreed on a recommendation system. We distribute according to the company's developments adjusted criteria a referral code.
Good candidates who have not received a place in your company, get a referral code. The candidate may use this code and applying at other companies with the best recommendations of industry experts. Clear priorities and short distances are a prerequisite for efficient communication in this portal. The partners provide all vacancies for a one time annual fee in this exclusive job portal. Candidates are pre-qualified on the recommendation. Together we save time and money and attract suitable, motivated candidates as a new employees. They are a company with a location in the Baden-Wurttemberg and are looking for professionals? Contact us to become a partner with ITbawü.de.
Strong for applicants
You are talented, learned a lot, bring a very individual experience in every company and would like to remain active in Baden-Wurttemberg? Then you are exactly right here in order to reach your goal.
You are the task.
Here on , various IT companies committed to recommend each other qualified applicants. Often there are only minimal differences in the expression of your abilities as a candidate that will determine at the end if you get the job or not Therefore, the companies have agreed on a recommendation system. The recruiters know your strengths and knowledge, and will continue to inspire for the region.Baden-Wurttemberg. You should use for your application an multi selection.
you have received a rejection letter in which you were made aware of this portal? They were recommended in the interview to use this portal? Both please consider a recommendation and appreciation. Here you find suitable deals on your profile.
They were referred to us? Whether on a job interview or rejection letter. Please see this as a recommendation please. Here you find suitable deals on your profile.
Strong for the economy and the image of the region
The industry job portal ITbawü.de is becoming a recognized brand name for Baden-Wurttemberg,IT companies. It is cultivated and perfected by experts for experts with similar applicant interests. It is cultivated and perfected by experts for experts with similar Applicant interests. This very close network is tied to keep professionals and managers in the region . Clear career opportunities are made possible by a special recommendation system. The motivation for this commitment is the economic success of all involved companies.
In order to ensure economic success, marketing activities are planned and funded. The partners, sponsors, clubs and associations document the complex approach of the portal concept. Become a sponsor or partner with ITbawü.de
ITbawü.de is a community of the Empfehlungsbund
With the communities of the Empfehlungsbund you can find skilled workers that you can neither reach by online job portals, recruiting fairs nor print ads or career websites. As a central basis of our recommendation concept, we provide different community portals that are both characterized by a region- and industry-specific orientation.
You can find an overview of our currently existing communities ITsax.de, ITmitte.de, MINTsax.de, OFFICEmitte.de, OFFICEsax.de, ITbbb.de, ITbavaria.de, IThanse.de, ITrheinland.de and Empfehlungsbund on the welcome page of the Empfehlungsbund. Your membership of the communities of the Empfehlungsbund will give you access to use all communities that suit your needs for one year. The prices are graded and depend on the number of employees in Germany. There are no further costs. Your membership of the Empfehlungsbund will also allow you to use additional services such as salary benchmarks, personnel controlling and other application portals for free.You can find our full product range on the landing page of pludoni.
38 IT and software partners and supporters from Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Mannheim, and Ludwigshafen to support ITbawü.de